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Friday, February 8, 2008


WebIntelligence Explorer

WebIntelligence explorer allows users to drill in “drillable” WebIntelligence documents to analyze data on different levels of details.

WebIntelligence document containing a drillable chart

This chart illustrates an organization’s sales revenue by state and by year. If required, you can drill down for more detailed information, such as results per city and/or per quarter.

What does WebIntelligence share with BusinessObjects?

The common technology offers a high level of interoperability between the two products, such as:

The sharing of user rights

Users have access to the same corporate storage areas whether they’re using


The sharing of documents

With WEBINTELLIGENCE, users can view and refresh documents that have been created then sent to them using BUSINESSOBJECTS. They can also send the documents they create in WEBINTELLIGENCE to BUSINESSOBJECTS users, or publish those documents to the corporate repository for their own use.

The sharing of the INFOVIEW module, which provides the document catalogs that form an overview of the information that has already been extracted from the database. It serves as the common portal for viewing and downloading documents.




Users can organize documents into categories, which allow them both to filter unwieldy document lists and make documents they publish or send even more rapidly accessible to recipients. Users can also search for documents using a document’s name, author or date of last modification.

My InfoView

The web model that lets users customize the information they see on their home page is increasingly popular. INFOVIEW offers users multiple ways to personalize their home page using the following features:

INFOVIEW users can display one, two, three, or four panes inside their web based portal window.

WebIntelligence Reporter

WebIntelligence Reporter allows users to create and edit WebIntelligence documents. To do this, they use a Java applet or an ActiveX control called the Web Panel, which is automatically downloaded for the users to build and edit documents.

WebIntelligence uses the same universes created for the full-Client users. These universes are the sole data providers for WebIntelligence documents.

WEBINTELLIGENCE uses the same universes created for full-client users. These universes are the sole data providers for WEBINTELLIGENCE documents.

All users need to do to create and edit WEBINTELLIGENCE documents is to log into a web server and download a Java applet or ActiveX control from the corporate intranet, extranet, or the web. They can then build queries to create documents that display accurate, up-to-date data from their corporate databases.

When users have finished editing the queries, they send them to the server, where they are processed, formatted and sent back as HTML documents.

You can then save those documents for your own personal use, send them to other users, publish them to the corporate repository, or schedule them for automatic refresh and distribution through BROADCAST AGENT.



WebIntelligence is the leading business intelligence solution designed to meet your critical query, reporting and analysis need using today’s Internet technology. With Web-Intelligence, users can access the data in their corporate databases or data warehouses from within the office, their homes, or around the world, using the corporate intranet, extranet, or the World Wide Web.

Webintelligence comes in three modules:

WebIntelligence InfoView

The base module of the business objects solutions is an e-Business Intelligence portal called INFOVIEW, which provides users with a single entry point to all the documents they need. This module is user-customizable, so that their copies of the INFOVIEW fit their needs a s closely as possible.

Infoview also includes the document viewer control that application developers can embed in other application.

InfoView lets user view, refresh, manage and distribute documents, but do not create or modify them. To do that they need the WEBI and/or Business Objects reporter modules or BO installed through a web browser.

At the heart of InfoView is the document list

The document catalog includes up to three lists containing files they can access:

The Corporate Documents page contains files that have been saved or uploaded to a document domain in the corporate repository and made accessible to workgroups within the corporation or organization.

The Personal Documents page contains documents users have saved for their own personal use.

The Inbox Documents page contains documents other users have sent each user.

When users click on a third-party file, such as a Microsoft Word document or an Adobe Acrobat PDF file, if the associated application is installed on the client machine, the application is launched with the file open in it. If the application is not installed, users can choose to download the file to their machine.

Icons representing the type of file



is an integrated query, reporting and analysis solution for business professionals that allows you to access the data in your corporate databases directly from your desktop and present and analyze this information in a BUSINESSOBJECTS document.

BUSINESSOBJECTS makes it easy to access this data, because you work with it in business terms that are familiar to you, not technical database terms like SQL. You don’t need any knowledge of the database structure or technology.

Once you’ve used BUSINESSOBJECTS to access the data you need, you can present the information in reports as simple as tables.

or as sophisticated as dynamic documents with drillable charts.

You can then save those documents for your own personal use, send them to other users, or publish them to the corporate repository for potentially even broader circulation.

You can add images and embedded objects and format your documents to high presentation standards for viewing on screen or for printing.

On-report analysis allows you to switch your business perspective by dragging and dropping data, insert on-report calculations or drill into a report for detailed information:

You can quickly and easily share the documents you have created with other
users in your company, either by sending them directly to selected individuals or groups, or by publishing them as corporate documents. When you distribute documents in these different ways, you use the BUSINESSOBJECTS repository.

The repository stores the documents you send so that other users can retrieve and view them. It also stores information about the documents it stores, such as name of sender, date and time, and also which users in the company have the right to retrieve and view a document.
